The New Forest National Park Authority seeks to meet the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up-to-date and accurate information. However, the Authority cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misrepresentation of any of the information here. It offers no warranty to the accuracy of the information and accepts no liability for loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance of this information.

All map data and information displayed on this site is protected by the copyright and licensing terms of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement.

The New Forest National Park Authority are responsible for making Tree Preservation Orders, determining Tree Works Applications and considering the arboricultural implications of development proposals within the New Forest National Park administrative area.

Only valid tree work applications within the last 2 years are visible on our map.  If you require any further site-specific information, please contact the New Forest National Park Authority Tree team via trees@newforestnpa.gov.uk.


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